What is your passion?

Before I get into the uneventful details of my life that explains the birth of A Banana Thinks, I would like to get one thought out of my head first: Passion.

pas·sion |ˈpa sh ən|
• an intense desire or enthusiasm for something
• a thing arousing enthusiasm

Although I’d love to delve into the “intense sexual love” definition of passion, my focal point is the above. So, before we get any deeper, let me first ask you: What is your passion? What are you passionate about?

It can be anything.

If you had no problem giving an answer, congratulations. You are way ahead in life already. If you, like me, weren’t confident and/or unsure about your passions, congratulations also. At least you are able to admit to it. For the rest of you who do not fit into any of those categories, I don’t know what you are and can’t help you there. Sorry.

I recently got asked this question whilst contemplating post-uni life and this struck me. It struck me hard. I thought I knew the answer but I really didn’t. I ‘liked’ a lot of things, but it took me a long time to realise what really interested me. Half an hour later, I had one thing down:

I am passionate about understanding people. I like observing, and discovering what makes people the way they are.

This one epiphany, out of the many more to come, has already cleared up a lot for me. Not only can I now confidently answer this question, but I am also one step closer in revealing what I am really about to myself and others. This is beneficial for all parties. I think pinpointing your passions are a way of opening yourself up to greater insights and opportunities in life – whatever they may be. I know all this sounds like a whole lot of corny horse crap, but I think it’s worthwhile to sit and think about it.

Essentially, what I’m trying to say is that one should explore and open up as much as possible in life. Life is what you make it to be. You’re passionate about making art using toothpicks? So do it. Passionate about vegetable gardens? Start planting! Why do we not do the things we’re most enthusiastic about more often? We don’t need an excuse or reason to do those things. Think of the potential we could be. Let’s just do it.

So, humanity interests me. What are you passionate about?

One thought on “What is your passion?

  1. I think my passion is to “create” – don’t know what exactly yet (or maybe, there’s no one single answer) but how would I know if I don’t try right? Definitely agree with you 🙂

    And loving this blog already!

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